20140323 LEGISLATIVE SIEGE: Detailed review betrays Ma ‘homeland’: commentator
Taiwan Impression -
作者 Taipei Times   

LEGISLATIVE SIEGE: Detailed review betrays Ma ‘homeland’: commentator

By Jake Chung  /  Staff writer

A Hong Kong-based commentator said on Thursday that President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) would have “betrayed his homeland — China” if he were to follow through with an item-by-item review of the cross-strait trade service pact.

When invited to a TV show to comment on student protests against a cross-strait pact between Taiwan and China, Anthony Yuen (阮次山) was quoted by online news site ETToday claiming that the KMT and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) should both be blamed.

Yuen doubles as the editor-in-chief of Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV and has repeatedly accused the president of “biting the hand that fed him.”

While the DPP has boycotted the pact many times, the KMT’s caucus under Ma’s leadership should also be blamed for coming to an agreement with the DPP to review the pact item-by-item, Yuen was quoted as saying.

“Taiwan has in fact already signed 18 agreements with China, and Taiwan has accepted all the agreements, without once calling for an item-by-item review,” Yuen, an American of Chinese-descent, was quoted as saying, adding that there was not once that Taiwan had rejected the agreements.

Since 2008, Ma has signed 18 agreements with China.

source: Taipei Times

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