20141005 News channel gets hit by HK coverage complaints
Taiwan Impression -
作者 Taipei Times   

News channel gets hit by HK coverage complaints

By Tseng Te-jung, Tsai Ying and Jake Chung  /  Staff reporters, with staff writer

The National Communications Commission (NCC) said it has received more than 140 complaints over a recent CtiTV news channel (中天新聞台) news headline for a report on the Hong Kong protests, with some commission officials saying they agreed with complaints that the language was “unbecoming of professional journalism and not living up to the social responsibilities of the media.”

A number of Taiwanese netizens have slammed the news channel for its headline to a report of the protests on Tuesday night, which said: “The Occupy Central protesters have not dispersed and are staying up all night in anticipation of China’s National Day on Oct. 1.”

The netizens said the headline was misleading, as it implied the demonstrators were waiting to join China’s National Day celebrations the following day. Some netizens launched a campaign called: “One e-mail per person to the NCC in protest.”

This is the second time that netizens have campaigned for an official protest following coverage by the news channel. The first was when a CtiTV news channel report earlier this year on the Sunflower movement had a suggestive sexual undertone. The report focused on a photograph of a female protester and made discussion of it the center of a live discussion, during which the host described the protester as exposing cleavage, comments which netizens said objectified women and sought to distort the intent of the movement.

The NCC said it would forward the complaints to CtiTV and demand an explanation.

According to NCC official Chien Hsu-cheng (簡旭徵), the complaints were largely to protest the inappropriate wording of the news headline and the way it detracted from the main report, which was how protesters in Hong Kong were demonstrating against China’s changes in policy and not how they were waiting for the Chinese National Day celebration.

CtiTV spokesman Huang Chun-jen (黃俊仁) has yet to respond to the allegations.

source: Taipei Times

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最後更新 ( 2014-10-06 )
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