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我為什麼要參選總統,黃越綏女士參選宣言 & 主張 (漢/英版)
新聞報導 -
作者 黃越綏   










黃越綏 2011-05-16

Why I Am Joining the Presidential Race

Taiwan is my home country and motherland, a beautiful island also known as Formosa. Just as a pearl found from the ocean goes through a process to become a precious, sought-after entity - Taiwan was created, cultivated, and developed from a simple island to a place with its own government, and citizens with sovereign rights.

The Taiwanese people’s history is marked with painful struggles, filled with tears and stained with blood. For as long as one can remember, a strong divide has existed amongst the people, sadly becoming one of the country’s most defining characteristics, and greatly hindering much of its development and potential. Furthermore, despite Taiwan’s current population of over 23 million, we have yet to break down the barriers that are keeping us from being a part of the United Nations. This situation in Taiwan is very rare, and as more and more Taiwanese people hold dual citizenships, one has to wonder if they have truly lost confidence in Taiwan’s future.

In this election, those that take the stand for Taiwan to unite with China are not taking decisive actions to become actual citizens of the People’s Republic of China. Similarly, those that advocate for Taiwan independence have the opportunity to build an independent country through peaceful revolution, but their much-needed solidarity is lost in the mix of ruling parties and electoral campaigns. As for the rest, they choose to remain silent as they escape the harsh reality of Taiwan’s current situation, holding on to an unrealistic belief that China’s Communist rule will somehow, someday, undergo a democratic reform.

In the last half century, apart from focusing on taking control of Taiwan, Communist China has not taken any steps to understand the needs of the Taiwanese people. And since when did the Taiwanese pay taxes to, or pledge their allegiance, to the People’s Republic of China? Let us not forget the “823 Artillery Battle,” in which China attacked Kinmen and Matzu on August 23rd, 1958, leaving 440 Taiwanese soldiers dead or missing. Enmity can fade into a distant memory, but we should never forget or take for granted the lessons we learn from our own history. In our vast and glorious world, China is but Taiwan’s neighbor and not a part of our country; we can treat China as our friend, but we should never allow our own citizens’ sovereign rights to be violated.

Litterateurs write, “Home is where you are used to living,” and Taiwan can only rely on its people’s courage and determination to love their country, in order to avoid becoming a country without international recognition.  

As the Chinese Civil War ended and the Kuomintang (KMT) retreated to Taiwan in 1949, China declared the One-China Principle, established the PRC, “People’s Republic of China,” and joined the United Nations, thus denying the existence of the “Republic of China,” or ROC. In Chinese history, the KMT is regarded as a rebel party that refused to fight the Japanese, swept the Palace Museum of its treasures, and took refuge in Taiwan. Meanwhile, The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is seen as a chaotic local political party in Taiwan. The fact remains that only by building a new, independent Taiwan, will the KMT know the value of their historical existence – and it is the only way to unite the people of Taiwan and bring them closer to a long-awaited democratic milestone.

The Chinese love their country, not their ruling party. Why is it that the Taiwanese choose to love their political parties instead of their own country? Wake up Taiwan, and rise to the challenge! Taiwan should be its own independent country, and we should fight for the right that we have already earned to begin with – to love a country that we can call our own.

A country’s development is dependent on its people’s participation and involvement; the progress of its communities relies on all of its residents’ accumulated knowledge and experience. Adhering to one’s philosophy and principles is the only way to realize one’s vision, and today we stand on this platform: “Taiwan Residents – Decide, Vote, and Build an Independent Nation!” Let’s build an independent Taiwan, and draft a new constitution that will allow this nation to better serve the needs of its people.

Some people have laughed and likened my campaign to the story of the infamous Don Quixote; others have criticized me as a fool with impossible dreams. But what matters to this candidate is that one day, Taiwan will become independent, and if I am unable to witness this change, I want my tombstone to read: “Here lies a Taiwanese person who refused to give up her dream.”



「住民自決 公投建國」

國家發展 需賴全國人民的參與

城鄉進步 由居民生活智慧累積

堅持理念 願景才能實現

一、 國家新定位

●  成立「新憲法委員會」,研擬制定「台灣新憲法」。

●  舉辦國際性「台灣主權屬於台灣住民」的公民投票,並向國際宣示台灣主權在民的價值與立場。

●  建立政府服務人民的功能與信任,國家正常化發展與永續經營。

二、 國防外交與中國關係

●  捍衛台灣國家主權、和平中立與對等的外交政策。

●  加強國防意識與整備,提倡全民國防培訓,確保國家安全。

●  施行透明、正常化的中國政策。

三、 國土規劃

●  加強地質評估,確保自然生態與海洋資源。

●  保護與保存農耕土地,因應糧食短缺問題。

●  落實非核家園政策,研發替代能源。

●  設立環境災害與國土復育之權責單位。

四、 產業發展與保障

●  中央部會不集中於首都,行政資源得與地方分享。

●  改善稅制,重新分配財源,擴大社會公平與均富的原則。

●  創造新時代投資環境,提高基本工資,增進本國勞動生產力。

●  外勞薪資與基本工資脫鉤(加工出口、營建、照護)。

●  尊重工會與公會的功能,積極開放溝通管道。

●  規劃合理之國民退休給付制度。

五、 文化與教育

●  推動「全面」教育經費補助政策。

●  落實12年國民義務教育與多元化學習環境。

●  基本人權的維護與兩性平權的落實,納入教育體系。

●  確定台灣主權性的現代化教育,培養獨立思考、發揮潛能和創造力的新世代。

●  建立台灣文化的主體性以及完整的台灣史觀。

●  強化技職教育與就業關聯的結合,重視栽培國家級專業選手。

●  全國籌建自由藝術村,提供文藝人士在地安居創作。

六、 社會福利與全民照顧

●  全面推行住者有其屋的公共政策。

●  擴大都更或土地重劃政策,須以社區做整體規劃,朝向公與民合營方向,並附設養老院、醫院、托育中心、幼教、購物及娛樂中心等便民措施,杜絶圖利財團。

●  鼓勵生育,提供六歲以下兒童津貼,健全人口素質的提升。

●  提供及確保殘障及弱勢人士的生活基本需求。

●  落實新移民的關懷與政策。

七、 醫療衛生與全民健保

●  實施全民免費健保,但門診藥品自費(弱勢補助)杜絶藥物浪費,提昇健保資源的成本與效益之營運。

●  因應少子與老人化的社會變遷與需要,建立醫院及診所的家醫與轉診制度化,應與醫學中心的住院、教學、研究之功能有所區隔,並強化社區服務長照與居家護理。

●  發展醫療經濟學而非醫療商業學,落實醫療倫理與醫德,擺脫以營利為目的的生科技競賽。

八、 災害安全與應變

●  因應災變建立全國性的交通道路網絡。

●  勘查及規劃全國行政中心、學校、教堂、廟宇等場所,作為居民災難疏散避難中心。

●  將全國醫院分級作為大災變緊急與臨時救難與就醫中心。

●  編制全國性專業救難員,定期接受國內外統一培訓,並成立網絡跨地域相互支援。

●  施行消防安全教育,從幼稚園開始,每月至少一次強化逃生應變教育,並列入督察。

●  電視台每星期至少有一次利用新聞時段播1-3分鐘的防災與逃生應變知識。

●  任何大災難發生的當下,政府應馬上推出防止屯積民生物資造成恐慌的積極措施,以遏阻危害社安。

九、 司法改革與人權提升

●  改變司法行政審判之現況,建立以司法權為中心的司法體系,以確保司法審判不受行政干預,如廢除司法院,.設立專業法院。

●  廢除法官以考試制度來任命,應由十年以上資深的律師、檢察官及學者中遴選任之。

●  法官任期應有強制退休制度,而非終身職。

●  落實無罪論的審判「程序」正義。

十、 轉型正義的落實

●  積極主動清查國有財產與政黨不當佔有之財產,如陸一特、原墾民、強徵民地等,並採取公平合理的賠償措施。

●  追究並還原二二八及白色恐佈等歷史真相,並成立台灣英雄館。

●  重新調查及平反卸任總統陳水扁之司法人權。

Self Awareness by the people,

A Plebiscite for Taiwan’s sovereignty!

                                   A country’s development is dependent on its people’s participation and involvement;

                                  the progress of its communities relies on all of its residents’ accumulated knowledge and experience.

                                  Adhering to one’s philosophy and principles is the only way to realize one’s vision, goals and ideals.

A.On New National Status

a. Form a “New Constitution Commission” to draw up a “Taiwan New Constitution.”

b. Hold an internationally-supervised plebiscite of all inhabitants in Taiwan and to advocate the values, positions and sovereignty of the Taiwanese people to international community.

c. Establish government functions and rebuild the people’s trust, to realize and sustain a regular, continuous development of the country.

B. On National defense, Foreign affairs and Relations with China

a. Defend Taiwan sovereignty; take peaceful, neutral, and reciprocal stands for resolution in foreign affairs.

b. Enhance awareness and preparedness of national defense; cultivate and promote civilian-based defense for national security.

c. Implement transparent and normal foreign-affair policies regarding China.

C. On Land Planning and Development

a. Reinforce evaluation of geological quality of the terrains; Conserve all natural, ecological and oceanic resources.

b. Protect and preserve farm lands to prevent food shortage.

c. Implement No-Nuke-Homeland policy, research and develop alternatives with green energy.

d. Establish authorities in charge of mitigations of natural disasters and recovery.

D. On Economic Development and Security

a. Redistribute ministry/government offices in cities other than the capital to promote sharing of executive resources.

b. Reform taxation system and reallocate financial resources to better provide social fairness and equality.

c. Create an environment of opportunities for new investments; Increase minimum wage to stimulate domestic labor production.

d. Design separate wage scales for foreign workers (processing and exports, construction, and home care.)

f. Respect functions of labor and trade unions; create and maintain positive communication channels.

g. Draw up appropriate pension plan for citizens’retirement.

E. On Culture and Education

a. Extend educational subsidence policies to all families.

b. Implement compulsory education of 12 years and diverse learning environments.

c. Incorporate the knowledge of fundamental human rights and equal rights between genders in the educational system.

d. Provide modern education as a sovereign state to develop new generations of independent and creative thinkers, who know to explore their own potential.

e. Establish the subjectivity of Taiwan culture and an accurate and complete account of Taiwan history.

f. Strengthen the integration between technical and vocational education, as well as professional education and training, with attention to the cultivation of national professional contenders.

g. Establish liberal arts villages to provide artists with accommodations, encouraging and enhancing their creativity in their own space.

F. On Social Welfare and Development

a. Carry out nationwide policy of home-owners assistance program.

b. Expand land rezoning policies with community development in mind, facilitating nursing homes, hospitals, nursery schools, kindergartens, shopping malls and sports centers, as joint projects sponsored by the government and the private sector to eliminate improper profits.

c. Encourage families to bear children, provide welfare for children under the age of 6, to elevate the quality of the general population.

d. Provide and ensure the basic needs of the disabled and minority groups.

e. Implement family care policies for new immigrants.

G. On National Health and Medicare Program

a. Carry out free health insurance, but have patients (except minorities) pay for their medication, prevent the waste of health care resources while enhancing operation costs and benefits.

b. Due to changes and needs of a society with a growing number of elders and less children, establish a practice of using a family doctor and referral system between hospitals and clinics, with emphasis on long-term medical care for homes and communities.

H. On Disaster Safety and Emergency Response

a. Develop a safe and convenient nationwide transportation network.

b. Survey administrative offices, schools, churches, and temples for the purpose of establishing disaster evacuation centers.

c. Classify hospitals throughout the country into emergency rescue and medical centers in the event of a disaster.

d. Equip professional rescue workers; provide periodical education and training sessions in and out of the country, set up an international support network.

e. Provide fire safety education from kindergarten onwards; implement supervised escape drills at least once every month.

f. Require television stations to broadcast disaster prevention guidelines and escape procedures on news programs at least once a week.

g. Prevent profitable storage of necessary living goods(hoarding), the government should enforce regulations, in the event of a disaster.

I. On Judicial Reform and Promotion of Human Rights

a. Convert the current situation of judicial administration override on trial verdicts by judges; build a judicial system based on jurisdiction, to alleviate interference from executive branch, such as abolishment of the Judicial Yuan, and establishment of professional courts.

b. Abolish the current system of selecting judges by examinations; instead allow those with more than 10 years of experience as attorneys, prosecutors, and law scholars to be appointed judges.

c. Appoint judges in district and higher courts without life-time tenures; practice forced retirement.

d. Reinforce justice of the due process in a trial without the assumption of guilt.

J. On Transitional Justice

a. Implement re-examination and reclamation of state-owned properties, stolen properties by political parties, and provide fair and appropriate compensation for the mistreatment.

b. Rectify historic falsifications regarding the 228 Massacre and White Terror incidents; establish a Taiwan Memorial Hall for those whose lives have been sacrificed.

c. Reopen the case of ex-President Chen Sui-Bian for a just trial.

source: 黃越綏的部落格

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最後更新 ( 2011-05-25 )
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