
新聞報導 -
作者 台灣e新聞   

Dear California Residents,

Pleae email a campaign letter from FAPA to Senator Barbara Boxer for release of Taiwan's former president‏. you can copy the letter below and past in " message" box of the Sen. Boxer's website。

Here is the website

請將聲援阿扁總統保外就醫的信件 Email 給加州參議員 Barbara Boxer, 這是最快速、最簡單的方法。

請將以下 FAPA發出的格式及內容轉貼到 Senator Barbara Boxer 網頁的留言欄內再送出即可。請麻煩調整每一段落的間距,讓文章排列看起來整齊,最後記得附上自己的姓名。


台灣e新聞 Jenny Tsai 敬上

Dear Senator Barbara Boxer:

As your constituent, I am writing to you today about the continuing incarceration of Taiwan's former President, Chen Shui-bian. The case is of grave concern to me, to your Taiwanese American constituents, and to Taiwanese Americans across the United States.

President Chen, who served as Taiwan’s president between 2000 and 2008, was imprisoned on charges of corruption in November 2008, only months after leaving office. During the trial in 2009 and 2010 many international observers, including former Harvard Law Professor Jerome Cohen and other legal experts, identified multiple lapses in due process and other serious procedural flaws by the prosecution, raising questions about whether the judicial proceedings against Chen were politically motivated.

Since the verdict in Taiwan’s High Court in December 2010, former President Chen has been serving out his 19-year sentence in Taoyuan County prison, where he is confined virtually 24 hours a day to a damp, undersized cell of about 50 square ft, which he shares with one other cellmate. The cell has a toilet, but no bed, desk or chair; in order to read or write, he must sit or lie on the floor.

I am writing you at this time because over the past few months there has been a serious deterioration in his health and physical condition. In early February, he and his family began petitioning prison authorities to grant a conditional release for a comprehensive medical exam, but it was not until thirteen legislators from the opposition DPP raised the issue in the Legislative Yuan that Chen was allowed to go to Taoyuan General Hospital on March 7, 2012. There, doctors diagnosed him with acute coronary syndrome and significantly reduced blood flow to the heart—a potentially fatal condition. He was taken to the Intensive Care Unit after undergoing an urgent cardiac catheterization procedure the next day.

During President Chen’s brief stay in the hospital, it was also discovered that for the last 14 months he has been prescribed a psychiatric drug, Ativan, without his knowledge or consent. This drug is known to be aggressive and can affect “chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.” The exam also revealed a prostate tumor, among other undisclosed conditions.

Chen's doctors attribute his poor health to long-term deprivation of sunlight, lack of exercise and an inactive life style. Unlike other inmates, who are able to work eight hours a day in prison factories, he is only allowed 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day. Such imprisonment conditions are a direct violation of the minimum requirements for prisoners as sanctioned by the UN. These require that "every prisoner who is not employed in outdoor work shall have at least one hour of suitable exercise in the open air daily if the weather permits" (Article 21 (1) of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners).

Concerns over President Chen's incarceration has been raised on a number of occasions over the past few years, both by members of Congress as well as by international scholars writing to current President Ma Ying-jeou. However, the Ma administration has been totally unresponsive to these human rights concerns.

I now ask you to express your deep concerns about the inhumane treatment of former President Chen to the US government, and to urge the United States to prevail on the authorities in Taiwan to allow former President Chen medical bail so he can receive adequate treatment for his medical conditions in a timely manner.

Please contact the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) at (202) 547-3686 or for more information on the case. Thank you very much for your support!


source: 台灣e新聞

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最後更新 ( 2012-03-23 )
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