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網路組    2011-02-21, 09:03:44 | 未填寫住址
金恆煒的健康世界(四)/ 陳昭姿


嚴禁報復? 蔣介石的二二八責任不容粉飾


Nathan | 贊若    2011-02-21, 09:00:06 | 未填寫住址

228gods bless


史料組    2011-02-21, 01:06:46 | 未填寫住址
Taipei 228 exhibits spark controversy

“My grandfather disappeared shortly after participating in the investigation of the 228 Incident and asking the then-KMT government to stop killing innocent civilians. However, the exhibition said the then-government was trying to restore public order. I am stunned by such an interpretation of history,” said Lee Te-cheng (李德振), whose grandfather’s body was never found after he disappeared.

網路組    2011-02-20, 02:19:28 | 未填寫住址
推薦: Fireproof Moth

經歷國民黨在台灣白色恐怖年代的美國傳教士唐培禮,Milo Thornberry,把他一九六0年代在台灣傳教,幫助政治犯及秘密協助安排彭明敏教授脫出台灣的故事,寫成專書,Fireproof Moth: A Missionary in Taiwan·s White Terror,近期內將出版,我把他所寫新書出版的訊息傳上,請轉給同鄉好友。

網路組    2011-02-20, 00:47:17 | 未填寫住址
228紀念館翻修 挨批竄改史實-民視新聞

北市228館新展 受難家屬批脫離史實

李德振:軍警濫殺成公權力行使 難接受



PETER    2011-02-19, 22:35:55 | 未填寫住址

PETER    2011-02-19, 22:24:10 | 未填寫住址
Hey old man, Have You Seen My Friends?


網路組    2011-02-18, 22:17:45 | 未填寫住址
培德拒收珍 扁:最好生日禮物-民視新聞

憶當年 珍難忘第一夫人水衫-民視新聞

PETER    2011-02-18, 16:16:38 | 未填寫住址

培德醫院評估後 拒收吳淑珍

2011.2.18 16:10

Harvey    2011-02-18, 16:02:04 | 未填寫住址

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