Chapter 108


  台灣的立法院是什麼個院?有人說是窯子院,亦有人說是酒店,也有人稱呼為八卦中心,本基金會封之為烏龍院?2002新的立委已經產生了,未來會是如何,是全世界注視的焦點,老實不客氣,正經八百的說,如果立法院還是成立言論免責權的秀場,就太令百姓失望,不過亦不可太無聊,必須配合媒體來增添八卦話題,以增強某些立委的知名度,以期未來可以取得連任的得票率,台灣的媒體太多,多得不得不要求製造謠言來把謠言做為 call in 節目的主題,立法院的立委若勇於發飆,談出某些勁爆內幕,就會成為媒體寵兒,進而掌握謠言、八卦遊戲,成“媒謠之王”而名利雙收。


  請參考英文報導-“立法院亂源在台灣 the source of political chaos in Taiwan”


Group targets lawmakers for obstructionism

"We held this press conference a few days before the legislative election to remind voters again to keep their eyes wide open before they cast their votes on Dec. 1."
--Shane Lee, Alliance of Citizens Monitoring the Legislative Yuan

2001/11/27 Taipei Times
By Sandy Huang

The Alliance of Citizens Monitoring the Legislative Yuan singled out 20 legislators yesterday for "paralyzing the legislative process."

Alliance members pointed out that the lawmakers' defiance of procedural rules on the legislative floor had sacrificed citizens' rights and interests. It called on the public to think twice before voting for any of the 20 individuals, all but one of whom are running for re-election in the up-coming legislative election.

"We held this press conference a few days before the legislative election to remind voters again to keep their eyes wide open before they cast their votes on Dec. 1," said Shane Lee (李憲榮), a professor of political science at Chang-Jung University.

Lee said that the list of names had been compiled from media reports, which the alliance regarded as evidence against the legislators.

When asked whether media reports could be regarded as sufficient evidence on which to make such charges, Lee said, "If these media reports were mistaken, why didn't the legislators come forward to correct them in the first place?"

On the basis of the media reports, the alliance claimed that the 20 legislators had taken advantage of their positions to further their personal and professional interests.

"For instance they either blocked certain bills for their own private interests and/or passed first and second readings of bills without the knowledge of the relevant legislative committees," Lee said

"Some of [these named legislators] had not avoided meetings in which there was a potential conflict of interest involving their private business interests, which they are required to do as legislators, and/or engaged in senseless arguments that paralyzed the legislative process and brought meetings to a deadlock," Lee said.

"That's why we're releasing this list for the public to use as a reference prior to the Dec. 1 elections," he said.

"It is to prevent these legislators from sacrificing the citizens' rights and interests again on the legislative floor in pursuit of their own private agenda and interests," he said

Lee, who is also the convener of the alliance, said the list was not targeted at specific political parties. "The alliance is not affiliated with any political party and has no political goals," Lee said.

"The sole purpose of the alliance is to hold the legislators accountable for their actions and to serve as a watchdog over the Legislative Yuan, which the media is calling the source of political chaos in Taiwan," he said.

KMT legislators on the list are Fung Hu-hsiang (馮滬祥), Ho Jyh-huei (何智輝), Hsiao Chin-lan (蕭金蘭), Hsu Shu-po (許舒博), Huang Min-Ho (黃明和), Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱), Hung Yuh-chin (洪玉欽), Mu Min-chu (穆閩珠), Lee Shang-ren (李先仁), Lo Min-tsai (羅明才), Song Shiun-guang (宋煦光) and Wang Jin-pyng (王金平).

Legislators with the People First Party are Cheng Chin-ling (鄭金玲), Huang Yih-jiau (黃義交) and Shen Chih-hwei (沈智慧).

Two New Party candidates made the list -- Chang Shih-liang (張世良) and Hsieh Chi-ta (謝啟大) -- as did two independents -- Liao Hsueh-kuang (廖學廣) and Tsai Hao (蔡豪).

Tsai Trong-rong (蔡同榮) was the only DPP legislator on the list.