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09/17 2016 United Nations Membership for Taiwan
新聞報導 -
作者 由Keep Taiwan Free 和 United Nations for Taiwan主辦   


2016 United Nations Membership for Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free March & Rally

A defined territory? Check.
A permanent population? Check.
A government that can maintain relations with other countries? Check.
Membership in the United Nations? ..

Why not? Let’s talk about it.
The time is now for us to speak up but we need your help.

For more than 20+ years, the Taiwanese American community in the New York area has gathered at the United Nations and Times Square for the United Nations Membership for Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free March & Rally. The rally takes place in September to coincide with the UN General Assembly, to spark awareness and spread interest about Taiwan's position in the global community. We also place an emphasis on themes such as freedom, peace, self-determination, democracy - all of which are basic human rights.

The United Nations Membership for Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free March & Rally is ready to take over New York City again this year. We will be marching from the UN plaza all the way to Times Square, where the rally will take place:

Gather at United Nations Plaza - Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th Street and 1st Avenue)
(E 47th St, New York, NY 10017)
Mobilize and march!
Rally at Times Square 時代廣場 (42nd St and 7th Ave)

Taiwan, and Taiwan’s hard-fought democracy, matters and it is up to us to tell the world.
Join us as we take the spotlight for Taiwan, in the heart of New York City!
Everyone is cordially invited. Bring your family! Bring your friends! Bring your dog! Help support our mutual love of democracy and human rights!

Hand in hand, the Taiwanese diaspora wants Taiwan to freely create its own destiny.
Let's give the island the recognition it deserves. Let’s 一起加油 for Taiwan ♥
#KeepTaiwanFree #UN4TW #TaiwanMatters #TWNYC



今年,我們將在九月十七日中午十二點四十五分於聯合國的哈瑪紹廣場集合,一起走向紐約街頭和時代廣場, 一起為"台灣加入聯合國"而努力,讓全世界的人知道,台灣是台灣人的台灣,是世界的台灣!
台灣, 一個由兩千三百萬人民組成的國家, 重視著自由, 重視著民主以及基本的人權價值. 至今, 即使台灣已經符合了聯合國1933年訂下的蒙特維多國家權利義務公約 – 有著確定的領土, 人民以及可以與其他國家對等交流的政府 – 沒有任何法定上的衝突. 台灣還是無法成為聯合國的會員國. 因為台灣在國際社會受到政治上的壓迫, 我們的入聯申請屢次招到退回. 因此, 我們希望藉由這些示威遊行活動能夠喚醒所有關心的人去一起為台灣爭取到在國際上應有的尊重與地位
Taiwan Matters!



We have a very diverse group of speakers this year - ranging from young Taiwanese Americans, to a Tibetan activist, to a former Chinese political prisoner. We will have the former Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Ambassador Manuel Felix, speak as well.

Our biggest and most well-known speaker, Freddy Lim (林昶佐), is flying in from Taiwan to attend. Freddy Lim is a Taiwanese rock band lead singer turned politician. He is the founding leader of the New Power Party in Taiwan.

這次台灣方面,除了每年都來參加的台灣加入聯合國協進會二十人外,還有台大合唱團二十 餘位,加上時代力量的立委 Freddy Lim 千里迢迢地來加入我們的行列,國內外同心努力,再次向國際社會,宣示台灣人民加入聯合國的決心,並宣示台灣是主權獨立的國家 ,,,, 台灣加入聯合國行動委員會敬邀

source: 由Keep Taiwan Free 和 United Nations for Taiwan主辦

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最後更新 ( 2016-09-11 )
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