
20140321 LEGISLATIVE SIEGE: People from near and far give support to protesters
Taiwan Impression -
作者 Taipei Times   

LEGISLATIVE SIEGE: People from near and far give support to protesters

By Peng Hsien-chun and Chiu Yen-ling  /  Staff reporters

Volunteers hand out bottles of water to people gathered outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei early yesterday morning, as the occupation of the legislative chamber continued for a second full day inside.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

A member of the public yesterday holds crackers decorated with an anti-trade pact message made for protesters inside the Legislative Yuan’s chamber in Taipei.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

A truck full of drinks yesterday appeared outside the Legislative Yuan where a sit-in by students and other activists protesting against the cross-strait service trade pact was being held.

“You have had a long day,” the truck driver from New Taipei City, surnamed Shih (施), said to the protesters.

He said he had been “almost driven mad” watching news reports since the demonstration began on Tuesday and was deeply moved by the students’ action. He said he could not do much to help the protest, except offer some drinks for the students.

“The nation’s economy is not doing well and I am worried that young people will not be able to find a job or make money,” Shih said.

“The future of the young is the future of Taiwan, and the government’s messing around should not be tolerated,” he said.

Supplies and moral support appeared yesterday from Chen Jui-chu (陳瑞珠), who had also been motivated by news reports.

The Changhua County resident drove to Taipei yesterday morning with her children and mother-in-law, bringing raincoats as well as instant noodles and other food for the students.

She said she had considered sending the supplies by speed post, but decided to save time be bringing them herself.

Her husband supported her decision, Chen said as she and her children passed the food to students equipped with pushcarts.

Chen had photographs of her children taken on the scene, saying that the pictures would be a souvenir of their witnessing democracy.

Meanwhile, several tents were set up yesterday outside the Legislative Yuan complex for more than 20 families with small children who are taking part in the protests.

The mothers, who had been there for two days, said “it was our duty” to maintain a bright future for their children.

They were busy protesting and attending to their children as the temperature dropped yesterday.

One of the women, Hsu Shu-huei (徐書慧), said she came to voice her concerns because the service trade agreement will have a great impact on Taiwan, but was very few Taiwanese understand it.

“It is a very serious problem,” Hsu said.

source: Taipei Times

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