
首頁 arrow 活動報馬仔 arrow 台灣八一五終戰和平宣言
新聞報導 -
作者 基進側翼、台左維新、共生音樂節、台灣教授協會......等團體   







我們期待的和平,是有尊嚴和正義的和平。並非以主權的退讓向敵人換取非戰,而是在有選擇的狀態下達到無戰之境。正如馬丁路德金恩博士所言︰「和平不是衝突的缺席,而是正義的存在。(Peace is not the Absence of Conflict, but the Presence of Justice.)」對台灣人民來說,和平的真諦亦是如此。不是衝突的消弭,而是正義的到來。








Taiwanese Declaration of Peace in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II

Seventy years ago today, the bloody and prolonged Second World War finally came to an end. Of more than 200,000 Taiwanese drafted to fight for Imperial Japan in the Pacific, more than 30,000 of them were killed on foreign soil and never returned. Time was equally hard for residents in the Japanese colony, who had to endure Allied bombing and perishing of their loved ones.

As the world celebrated the end of the war in 1945, the people of Taiwan was unable to enjoy peace and well-being they deserved. The post-war period began with a twist of fate as the island was dragged into the Chinese Civil War between the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party. For the following five decades the Taiwanese lived under an authoritarian regime which robbed the people of their right to pursuit democracy. It was until the Taiwanese elected their president for the first time in 1996 that Taiwan could call itself a true democracy. However, shadow of the authoritarian legacy still clouds over the Taiwanese up to this day. While democratization bears fruits of economic growth, the young generation’s opportunities and resources have been taken away to benefit the selected few. Those in power has been trying to force the China-centric perspective upon the next generation by manipulating history textbooks.

Students rose to the occasion and fought for their rights. One of them even sacrificed his life for the noble cause. The situation is clear -- people in Taiwan have yet been able to control their own destiny after seven decades.

It has been 70 years since the World War II ended on August 15, 1945, the people of Taiwan nonetheless have been facing military threats each and every day during the period. They have been forced to participate in Japan’s Great East Asia War and later live on the frontline of the Cold War without reaping dividends from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Conversely, Taiwan was once again caught in the middle of China’s ambitious territorial expansion dream.

None other than the Taiwanese people look forward to living in peace without fear of armed conflict. They were forced to engage in unnecessary conflicts by alien regimes, and even more so, they have had self-identity issues due to alienation from their own history under past alien regimes. The turmoil and division forced upon the Taiwanese would need to be stopped.

People in Taiwan long for peace with dignity and justice. Rather than succumbing to enemies in exchange of temporary peace, we want to attain peace with a choice. Like Martin Luther King said, Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.

Our positions and appeal

Looking back to our history and into the future on this historic day, here are our three positions and an appeal:

-- We call for maintaining dignified peace across the Taiwan Strait, not an insecure peace agreement that would erode Taiwan’s sovereignty.

-- We expect justified peace throughout Asia, not an armistice without principle of justice that appeases to powers.

-- We long for sustainable peace for humankind, neither generational exploitation that ignores human rights, eliminate diversity and strengthen class system nor superficial order based on fear and intimidation.

This is our solemn appeal for peace. We call for Taiwan government to erect a monument for all those who suffered and perished during the World War II and to hold a memorial ceremony every year today as not only a commemoration of those Taiwanese who lost their lives in the war but also a vigilance which reminds ourselves that Taiwan should never repeat the same mistake.

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最後更新 ( 2015-08-22 )
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