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作者 台灣大地文教基金會   







The Origin of Monuments

The development of democratization in Taiwan has filled with countless martyrs contributed their blood and tear for truth and righteousness and even sacrificed their lives in striving for democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law. Although, during lifetime they may not achieve their desired goal. It has stimulated the waves of the awakening of new generations through the democratic great love written by their blood.

In park, the inscription carved in these eternal memorial monoliths describes with emphasis on their background, life story, social role and contribution. Undoubtedly, their historical footprint is the most valuable and solid educational assets for the founding of democratic Taiwan.

These monuments manifest the belief of Taiwan gods in the following meaning. Firstly, the essence of historical inheritance is to establish the foundation of spirit or more precisely is to rebuild Taiwanese self-esteem. Secondly, the faith of independence founding is to uphold the ancestors’ spirit of masters of our own affairs. Thirdly, the willpower of practicing ideal is to constantly introspect oneself and to move people by actions with wisdom. A realization of emerging infinite strength by combining these three spiritual aspects together is the way of practicing the great love of defending Taiwan.

Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation
25 December 2016

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