20141008 General urges US to back Taiwan’s military efforts
Taiwan Impression -
作者 Taipei Times   

General urges US to back Taiwan’s military efforts

An official said China’s military buildup is making the Taiwan Strait a potentially dangerous area, adding that the nation is in a key strategic location

By William Lowther  /  Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

The US was urged to provide Taiwan with major new weapons, including advanced fighter planes and diesel-electric submarines, by Deputy Minister for National Defense General Chiu Kuo-cheng (邱國正) on Monday.

In a dramatic speech during which he pledged the military would fight to the death to protect Taiwan, Chiu said the international security environment was changing, making it a greater challenge to maintain regional peace.

He said that Taiwan, as a “responsible stakeholder,” needed the support of the international community.

Addressing the US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference in Williamsburg, Viginia, Chiu said: “I urge my American friends to continue to assist us to stand firm in the Taiwan Strait and become an anchor in the west Pacific.”

“As a military officer, I have no fear to sacrifice my life for the nation and the people. In the 1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis, when we were standing at the brink of war, I told my children that there were only two prospects for them. One was that they welcome their father’s triumphal return. The other was that they look for my body on the battlefield,” he said.

“And now I would like to formally tell everyone here that a majority of us have the same thinking and will certainly take action to defend the sovereignty of our territory,” Chiu said. “We would not hesitate when it comes to sacrificing our lives for our homeland.”

“Please question no more Taiwan’s resolve to self-defense, just because the defense budget is less than 3 percent of GDP,” he added.

Chiu said that peace does not come through miracles, but through perseverance, enterprise, strength and support from friends and allies.

He said Taiwan is facing a security environment that is even more difficult than the Cold War period.

The play of nationalism, historical hatred, sovereignty claims and resources competition were dragging countries in and out of conflict, he said.

“China continues to maintain the option of using force against Taiwan; the People’s Liberation Army [PLA] builds up its forces primarily to be used to invade Taiwan and prevent intervention from foreign forces,” Chiu said. “It is making the Taiwan Strait a potentially dangerous area.”

The general said that Taiwan is the cornerstone of the geostrategic environment in the western Pacific and that the nation upholds the rule of law and has become a model of democracy in Asia.

He said that improved relations with China under the policies of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) have substantially reduced tension, maintained regional peace and stability, and supported the common interests of countries around the world.

Chiu said that repeated protests from China have not stopped the US from abiding by the Taiwan Relations Act and fulfilling its security commitment to Taiwan.

He again urged the US to assist Taiwan to build a strong defensive force.

“We have demonstrated a strong will for self-defense through foreign acquisitions of defensive weapons systems, as well as developing a domestic defense industry,” Chiu said.

He said the nation had been waiting for many years for an answer from the US government to its request for diesel-electric submarines and had therefore activated an indigenous defensive submarine program.

Chiu added that none of the weapons provided by the US had ever been used to threaten other countries.

“The Republic of China continues to maintain a strong defensive force to make an enemy think twice before taking any action, so as to obtain the objectives of deterrence and prevention of war,” Chiu said.

“In terms of hardware, please continue to provide major weapons platforms for joint counter-air, joint counter-sea and joint homeland defense operations,” he said.

Regarding software, Chiu said he hoped the US would provide key technological transfer and depot-level maintenance capabilities for weapons systems.

In addition, he called on Washington to enhance cooperation in basic research and applied technology.

“We need a stabilizing force in which the Republic of China is an integral part,” Chiu said.

source: Taipei Times

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