
03/19 李明哲被抓一週年:記者會、小遊行、舞蹈、演講
新聞報導 -
作者 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan   













【終點行動】3/19 晚上7:00-7:10 蔡瑞月舞蹈社演出+大家集體行動。



“Commemorating Lee Ming-Che’s One Year Of Imprisonment: Press Conference, Protest March, Performances, and Speeches”

The Sunflower Movement demonstrations against the CSSTA trade agreement remain fresh in our memories. In 2017, the Chinese government has once again shocked Taiwan with its actions.

On March 19th, 2017, Taiwanese citizen Lee Ming-che disappeared while crossing into Zhuhai, Guangdong, from Macau. Only ten days later, on March 29th, did Chinese Taiwan Affairs Office spokesmen admit that they had detained Lee Ming-che on charges of “endangering national security.” On September 6th of that year, Lee Ming-che’s wife, Lee Ching-yu, received a telephone call from a man claiming to be Lee Ming-che’s lawyer, informing her that Lee was soon to be sentenced in the Yuayang Intermediate People’s Court in Hunan. Subsequently, on November 28th, Lee Ming-che was found guilty of joining the WeChat groups "Cross-Straits Hands Held Together", "China Observers", and "Huanan Observers," and posting articles critical of the Chinese government, and subsequently sentenced to five years imprisonment, with two years of being stripped of civil rights.

Lee Ming-che was found guilty for simply expressing is freedom of speech on the Internet. What is freedom of speech in Taiwan is guilt according to Chinese law. Before the Lunar New Year, Lee Ching-yu sought to travel to Chishan Prison in Hunan to visit Lee Ming-che, but China refused to allow her to board her plane. If China may be a large country, but with its actions, China demonstrates the differences in values across the Taiwan Straits, and demonstrates that in terms of human rights, China is a "small country."

Some people believe that because Lee Ming-che was arrested, it was he who was wrong, not China. More people may feel that in spite of issuing harsh condemnations of China, Lee Ching-yu and the Lee Ming-che Support Team have no way of saving Lee Ming-che. However, information on Lee Ming-che's disappearance to date has been forced out of the Chinese government through international pressure by Lee Ching-yu and the Support Team, regarding Lee’s trial and sentencing.

March 19th marks one year since Lee was detained. Please do not forget that there is a Taiwanese citizen in Chishan Prison in China, found guilty only for exercising his freedom of speech, and who to date has no way of contacting the outside world. The Lee Ming-che Support Team will hold an event to commemorate Lee’s one year of imprisonment on Monday, March 19th, to let more people know about Lee Ming-che’s situation and that of Chinese human rights. We ask everyone who can to join, to protest the tyranny of the Chinese government together.

#1: “Commemorating Lee Ming-Che’s One Year Of Imprisonment”

Time: 3:30 PM, Monday, March 19th

Place: Presidential Office Building front parking lot, near the side of Taipei First Girl’s High School

Host: Chiu Eeling, secretary-general of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights

Speakers: Zheng Xiu-juan, president of Wenshan Community College; Lai Chung-chiang, convenor of the Economic Democracy Union; Lin Shu-ya, chairman of Amnesty International Taiwan; Chen Yao-hua, Judicial Reform Foundation board member; Ian Hung, chief executive officer of the Taiwan Forever Association; Covenants Watch

Attendees: Lee Ching-yu; Lee Ming-Che Support Group Team Members

Activity: Collective yellow ribbon tying in front of the Presidential Office Building

Activity Visual Image: Red cloth, eyes tied with black cloth, a handcuffed Lee Ming-che

#2 “March to Commemorate One Year of Lee Ming-che’s Imprisonment”

Time: 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Monday, March 19th

March Route: Presidential Office Building-->Chongqing South Road-->Xiangyang Road-->Guanxian Road-->Taipei Main Station (Distribution of postcards)-->Chende Road-->Nanjing West Road-->Zhongshan MRT Station (Distribution of postcards)-->Zhongshan North Road-->Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Research Institute + Activity to send postcards to Lee Ming-che

Speakers: Youth Synergy Foundation; Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan; Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty; Covenants Watch; Taiwan Association for Human Rights; Taiwan Association of University Professors; Taiwan Forever Association

Concluding Activity: 7:00 - 7:10 PM, March 19th
Tsai Jui-yueh Dance Society Performance + Group Activity

#3 “A Night to Remember Lee Ming-che 001”

Discussing Democracy in Taiwan and China: From the Starting Point of Lee Ming-che

source: 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan

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