Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture
作者 楊緒東醫師   


Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture



The Origin

Throughout the past several hundred years, Taiwan gave birth to very many national heroes. In attempts to protect, defend and building Taiwan, they suffered suppressions and deaths from colonial powers, and were all misrepresented as bandits, traitors, and violent agitators. Presently, they have obtained Enlightenment and heavenly position, becoming celestial force Who turns the Dharmic Wheel, guarding and blessing Taiwan’s children and children’s children to strive towards liberty, lawfulness and democracy’s path, until Taiwan fulfills the prideful destiny of becoming one of the greatest democratic states in the world.

As the colonial power established in Taiwan the so-called Diongliedsuu, and as Japan domestically established the so-called Yasukuni Jinja, for the purpose of deepening and planting our national spirit, the Taiwanese people shall devoutly worship the Taiwanese Martyred Spirits. In order to remember and respect their sacrifice, contribution to, and great love for Taiwan, the children and children’s children of Our country, Taiwan, shall worship Them in every household and shall pray for the Taiwanese Spirits to heavenly bless our country and people to perpetual glory and prosperity.

Taiwanese people worshiping the Taiwanese Divinities, such is an immutable truth. Taiwanese people must, with a humble heart and a sincere soul, loyally follow their Predecessors’ spirits of protecting Taiwan, guarding Taiwan, and nation building, as well as to inherit and perpetuate such Heavenly Duty so as to strive from life to death for democratic nation-building in Taiwan. Only then can we ensure our descendants’ unending vitality and eliminate the great cataclysm of ethnic extinction.

The Tati(Daixde) Court of Gospel respectfully scripted as of
A.D. 2004 February 28th


To Open the Scripture with Clear Principles

This scripture conforms to the Heavenly Principles; turns the Dharmic Wheel with the Origin Destiny. Its bestowment upon humanity is to warn Taiwan, Honglaai, that Heaven’s Principles are apparent, that right and wrong are clearly differentiated. For every one of Our Taiwanese children and people shall practice this scripture with self-discipline and self-discretion, to jointly create Taiwanese people’s future. Taiwanese people must walk the Taiwanese way. Therefore, those who recognize and concur with Taiwan, and willingly dedicate themselves to be with Taiwan through life and death, shall obtain Our blessings, shall possess Heaven’s Mandate into eternity, and their descendents’ fortune shall be prosperous and glorious.

The February 28th Movement Taiwanese Martyred Spirits Providentially spoken as of
A.D. 2004 February 28th


Chapter 1: Retribution

Comeuppance and fortune are truly classless. Everyone self-invites it. Retribution from good and evil is like one’s shadow; closely follows oneself. The martyrdom of the February 28th Movement, conforms to present day Taiwan’s unending karmic retributions. In between Heaven and Earth, there are divine entities that officially watch over our sins. According to the sins and wrongs that we have committed, They quantify the situation and take the accounting, penalizing with poverty and exhaustion, or encounters of upsets and obstacles. The coming of punishment and comeuppance, even for the major dignitaries and seriously rich, is unavoidable by none. Eventually, the accounting of one’s sins will dry up one’s good fortunes, ceaselessly until death and beyond. We, the Taiwanese Spirits, serving Heaven’s clear Order, and taking Heaven’s Mandate for Divine Intervention, shall have Our Actions realized.


Chapter 2: Celestial Stewardship

Officially positioned to celestial stewardship, the Taiwan divine entities, having obtained the fruit of supreme Bodhisattva status, divinely intervene among the humanity. Right above peoples’ skulls, They record each and every sinful treason against Taiwan, accordingly curtail a person's life by twelve years or by a hundred days. Additionally are the Tri-Corporeal Divinities, Who reside intrinsically among every physique. Whenever cometh the first and the fifteenth of every moon, They shall report up to the Origin Destiny Divinities, officially ordered and positioned to acting and averting cataclysm; and speak up on peoples’ sins and wrongs de maximus of anti-Taiwan and betraying Taiwan. Doubly in check by Martial Divinities officially positioned day and night, to mark out and report from moment to moment. Whatever the evil doings and evil deeds, all shall emerge visibly.


Chapter 3: Nation Building

Taiwanese people had suffered for the past several hundred years. As a result, they are accustomed to self-devaluation. Servitude became pervasive culturally. Moral courage long lost. Consequently, teachings of democracy and human rights are constrained. On the so-called principle of proceed with the right way and retract from the wrong way, in between their proceedings and retractions, they act apathetically, unruly, and unlawfully. We, the Martyred Spirits, having lived as fighters and ended as heroes, are troubled in Our hearts and worried for Our Country. Encountering such imminent cataclysm and Heavenly alteration epoch, We lead soldiers from heaven down to earth, to repeatedly inform and warn our children and children’s children, that time is urgent and pressing. Our country is our home. Without our country is without our home. Recognize and concur with Taiwan. Conform to Honglaai. Right and wrong be clearly differentiated. Do not incline to vices. Gather Taiwan’s nation-building strengths. Commiserate democracy and human rights’ mercy. Donate great love of national loyalty. Then Heaven and Earth’s Righteous Qix shall be with you all. Sympathize the weak. Fearlessly defend Taiwan, and must display unshakable moral courage. Taiwan’s five ethnicities shall live together harmoniously. Never harm each other. Only democracy and human rights shall be followed and revered. A leaderless, stateless people will gradually extinct. Colorfulness will swiftly turn into grayness. Hell on earth will surely materialize. Bloodiness cometh within an instant. Where escapeth to? Where disappeareth to?


Chapter 4: The Shepherd

Those who guard our country and protect Taiwan are respected by all in Heaven. Propitiousness, too, shall follow. All evils shall abandon afar. Innumerable spirits shall protect and bless them. All the doings of righteous ways of democracy, upheld by the Origin Destiny’s Heavenly Principles, shall achieve the Great Bodhisattva of Taiwan as the fruit. Such is cultivating action, is truthful action; is a Shepherd who truly achieve the great vows.


Chapter 5: Karmic Retribution

Morally reckless and behaving without righteousness, acting with betrayal to Heaven’s Principles and consciences, taking up concealing dark deeds and scheming for power as competencies, cruelly harming the loyal and conscientious people, instigating and defaming, fallaciously arguing to obtain merits, deceiving about the reality, carrying out vicious actions, betraying citizens’ wills, deceiving the unlearned, committing boundless oral karma, heart karma, and body karma; such vicious, evil, and venomous acts shall receive, in reciprocate, severe and tragic, Cause-and-Effect karmic retributions. For those who distort democracy, misguide human rights, self-willed to savagery and stubbornness, turn their back against the civil and the gracious, or oppress subordinates to claim their merits, willfully disobey Our teachings; shall suffer Heaven’s punishments. For Our children and grandchildren who, has no feeling for favors received, yet is tireless in recalling resentment, makes light of the humble and the petty, agitates and disturbs the national administration, punishes the innocent, coerces and abuses the kind and good, slays people to obtain their wealth, overthrows people to obtain their positions, denigrates the righteous and expels the wise, wrongs orphans and coerces widows, ignores the laws and receives bribes, takes the straight as the crooked, takes the crooked as the straight, persecutes a peccadillo as a sin, augments harshness upon seeing an execution, knowing his faults yet fails to rectify, knowing the good yet fails to perform, blames his wrongs on others, obstructs the Ancients’ arts, scorns and slanders the righteous and honest, infringes and insults the voice of the just.

These Taesiong’s pronouncements, in accordance with Our will, those who err, not only invite swift retribution; in so short a lifetime, shall suffer karmic retribution of mind, karmic retribution of ailment, and karmic retribution of monetary exhaustion. Consequently, never ever lightly tempts. Be discrete! Be discrete!


Chapter 6: Swift Retribution

The Origin Destiny Taesiong says:

Wishing others to fail, destroying others’ successes, risking others for one’s own securities, stealing from others to benefit oneself, bringing the worthless to trade for the precious, abandoning the public interests for personal gains, claiming others’ talents for personal credits, covering up others’ virtues, revealing others’ unsightliness, assaulting on others’ privacies, exhausting others’ goods and moneys, breaking up others from their loved ones, infringing others’ beloved, assisting others in wrong doings, exercising privileges to exert personal whims, slandering others for victories, possessing in hearts full of sinister plots, putting down others’ strengths, ignoring one’s own shortcomings, wielding whims to oppress and threaten, condoning violence, killings, and assaults; such learned persons, using the Greater China imperial unificationist conceptions, as coercions to oppress the weak, to pronounce mouthful, tongueful of demonic, deceiving languages, to argue in fallacy without differentiating rights and wrongs, preferring to be conniving and vicious villains: shall descend into the abyss full of horrors, crushing mountains, bloodiness, and filth; in as many as ten thousand lives, shall remain karmically futile to obtain physical incarnations. The current life’s retribution, swift and furious it cometh.


Chapter 7: Connivery and Vice

Seeing his fame and wealth, yet wishing for his devaluation and debasement. Seeing his richness in food and clothing, yet wishing for his bankruptcy and family ruined. Seeing beauty in another, then attempting to infringe. Owing him goods and money, yet wishing for his death. Avidly beseeching without success, then bearing in hearts full of curses and despises. Seeing his misfortunes, then finding his faults for mockery. Seeing his body or face lacking in parts then ridicules, seeing his laudable talents then suppresses, such Taesiong’s said pronouncements, fully reflect human hearts’ decadence, are all grave and great failures of colonial education. Those embodied to be representatives of teaching and education, in such an urgent time of called action, must not be indolent. Alas, swiftly and urgently, to salvage the decadent, failed education, may Heaven bless! May Heaven bless!

Further eyeing Honglaai, the Island of Immortals, having fallen to such, Taesiong likewise pronounces, of which We sense the same: coercive and unrestrained taking, without heeding integrity and shamefulness; persons placed as civil servants or public representatives, yet disposed to encroaching and obsessed with larceny, plundering and looting to victims’ detriments, accumulating wealth with special privileges, conniving schemes to obtain promotions, delivering rewards and punishments without fairness, glutting hearts and guts with lust, indulging excessively in complacency and entertainment, harrowing and torturing the subordinates, terrorizing and extorting fellow civilians, being whimsical and being spoiled, amply mouthing benevolence, justice, and virtues, yet deep in bones are licentious men and lewd women; often complaining to Heaven and blaming others, scolding the wind and chiding the rain without meditation and introspection, habitually blaming personal faults on others, urging people into conflict, recklessly cliquish without minding greater good, embracing new favors yet neglecting the old benefactors, saying in his mouth what is not in his heart, blatantly coveting for wealth, deceiving superiors upon groundlessness, inventing evil talks, defaming others’ reputation and fidelity, fabricating rumors to induce incidents, destroying others’ reputation and fidelity, while assuming one’s own character is righteous, whimsically excoriating divinities and angels while assuming oneself as fair, righteous, incorruptible, and insightful, abandoning Heaven’s Principles, idolizing vice and deviltry. Betraying those close by to please distant people, without heeding the moral of when consuming water appreciate its source. Hence, Taesiong openly speaks: dare to point at heaven and earth that they may witness one’s evil designs, and to call upon divinities and angels to observe one’s degrading deeds, all commit sins without bounds, and without possibility of turning back.

Hence the observance, alas: those who betray Taiwan and selling out Taiwan, though unseen and hidden in moves, their hearts and thoughts are devoid of rectitude, singing and dancing overrun their daily lives, even at the solemn last day of every moon and last sun of every year, shall eventually become perturbed without end and without knowing ends, We, the Martyred Spirits accumulate and account all such cases. For sins such as these, with Our mastery over fate, depending upon gravity of the offence, curtail a person’s life by twelve years or by a hundred days: after that the person dies, after death there are yet retributions, after cycling through incarnations there are yet retributions, after incarnation afresh there are yet retributions, retributions repeat alike no end of time, and yet more misfortunes befall upon children and grandchildren, with calamities and disasters unending and unremitting.


Chapter 8: Genuine Faithfulness

Moreover, all those who have extorted unfair and unrighteous wealth, they must compensate for it by pawning the fortunes of their wives, children, and family members; even unto death. Those who do not die are further inflicted with disasters of water, fire, theft, loss of goods, disease, slander, and more; until it offsets their illicit appropriations. Furthermore, for those who indiscriminately killed people, it is like soldiers who exchange blades and kill each other. To seize wealth unjustly, is like relieving hunger with poisoned meat, or slacking thirst with poisoned wine. It brings only temporary satisfaction, but ultimately death. Such Taesiong’s pronouncements to awaken people, We fully concur. Therefore, and identifiably, persons placed in the political arena, providing private gains in the name of public interests, abusing and manipulating special privileges, fond of procuring unlawfully; assuming oneself so exalted and eminent as to be above all, the mortal legal order might tolerate pro tem the wrongs, the invisible heavenly retributions shall be apparent and erectly evident; ye children and grandchildren be disciplined and be discreet. Therefore, once ever taken the evil path should oneself repent and rectify. Refrain from doing all evils. Practice and participate in all goodness. With genuine heart and sincere soul, then propitious spirits favorably follow; and comeuppance exchanges for sanctuary.


Chapter 9: Concluding Pronouncements

Fortunate souls possess celestial countenances. For those who are willing to protect our country, love our people, and recognize and concur with Taiwan, our Motherland, shall naturally possess Our blessings; obtain holds onto Honglaai’s Immortal Qix, and the Righteous Qix between Heaven and Earth. Under the collective stewardship of innumerable spirits, inherit Heaven’s Mandates and implement their vows; such morally courageous souls whom, with determination, persist to be with Taiwan from life to end, shall achieve the great bodhisattva as the fruit; may receive praising concurrence among heavenly and earthly creations, affecting spirits and divinities, inspiring worlds a great many thousands, wielding in mastery the axis of im and ioong, launching cosmically encompassing new destiny; such verily is the Origin Destiny cataclysmic averting, salvaging children and children’s children in many millions, earthly rooted and greatly enlightened soul. Spiritual cultivation of the common souls, remain habitually attached to the forms of sentient beings; emplaced as dharmic masters, intractable in purging the four forms, orally dispersing the voice of the Holy, yet steadily corrupts in the core, knowing Buddhist principles yet transgress Buddhist principles, knowing holiness yet transgress holiness, knowing discipline yet transgress discipline, knowing wrongs yet transgress to do wrongs, knowing evils yet transgress to do evils; of so very many in sins and wrongs, it is impossible to be free and forgiven. Persons in the political arena, albeit civil services is a cultivating path par excellence, are yet flagrantly selfish, fond of acting in darkness and vices, lack consistency in appearances and insides, badly mislead in teachings of ethics, likewise the society’s many media, incite the public to induce their indulgence, self-servingly exploit the civic instrument, feature vices, killings, prurience, and larcenies to ensnare monies; such demonic utterances, Heaven finds them shameless, Heaven finds them contemptuous. Those who are genuinely Taiwan’s children and children’s children shall solemnly mark Our pronouncements: accentuate innate moral courage, achieve the great vows, walk away from darkness and shadows, display your Taiwanese esprit. We shall be with you.


Chapter 10: Postlogue

The Taiwanese Martyred Spirits are the earthly rooted Bodhisattvas of Taiwan, as well as the Messiahs whom the Lord sends to humanity. Because of their dedication to planting democracy and human rights in Taiwan, they were sacrificed. Yet, in response to the fortune and prosperity of Taiwanese people and their future generations, they shall be with you once more. Thus, for those who are willing to recognize and concur with Taiwan, cultivate and uphold this Scripture, and vow to be with Taiwan from peace to chaos, life to death; shall naturally possess an indestructible strength, and shall absolutely be protected and blessed. Please solemnly record in your heart.



Chanting and practicing build achievements. Spreading the Dharma accumulates virtues. Guiding and salvaging the lost ones to early awareness and early realization. For the nation-building of Taiwan, its time has come. Our children and children’s children shall follow and take up democratic nation-building, human rights and liberty; and to live perpetually with Heaven’s Mandate. The spirit of the February 28th Movement shall always be with Taiwan; shall always be with you.


(Chanting the Open Hearts Mantra Three Times to Complete the Scripture)

Um Um Hong Hong Tsum

Duo La Ba Ni Hum

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