
首頁 arrow 新聞報導 arrow 活動報馬仔 arrow 12/17-01/24 美國人在台灣的足跡特展
12/17-01/24 美國人在台灣的足跡特展
新聞報導 -
作者 AIT 美國在台協會   

地點: 國家圖書館 - 台北市中山南路20號

展期: 12/17/2010 至 1/24/2011

開放時間: 星期二至星期日上午9時至下午5時 (每個星期一及國定例假日停止對外開放)

主辦單位:美國在台協會 國家圖書館 中華民國外交部 中華民國教育部 中華民國圖書館學會

協辦單位:財團法人中華民國建國一百年基金會 中華民國國防部 國史館 行政院新聞局 高雄市立博物館 中央通訊社 國立中央圖書館台灣分館 台灣基督教福利會 國立中山大學中山美國中心 財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會 國立台灣大學圖書館 國立成功大學博物館 雲門舞集 奇美文化基金會 奇菱科技股份有限公司 台南縣學甲國民小學 民間全民電視公司 國家電影資料館 數位行動科技股份有限公司 文物收藏家 黃道明先生 藝術家雜誌


美國在台協會 台北辦事處處長 司徒文

美國在台協會(AIT)很高興能將「美國人在台灣的足跡: 1950-1980」特展,帶給台北、台中和台東的朋友。這次的展覽起源於AIT 高雄分處和中山美國中心共同發想、合力規劃的「美國人在南台灣的足跡」特展。當時的特展在2010 年3 月18 日至7 月4 日期間於高雄市立歷史博物館展出,其後並於2010 年9 月21日至11月30 日期間,移師台南鄭成功文物館。由於該特展在南台灣大受好評,因此決定將內容加以擴充,成為一個更完整的紀錄。





美國在台協會 台北辦事處處長 司徒文

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is delighted to bring the special exhibition "American Footsteps in Taiwan, 1950-1980" to Taipei, Taichung and Taitung. This is an expanded version of the successful "American Footsteps in Southern Taiwan" exhibit, which was conceived and organized by AIT's Kaohsiung Office and the Sun Yat-sen America Center. The exhibit was shown first at the Kaohsiung Municipal Museum of History from March 18 to July 4, 2010 and then moved to the Tainan Koxinga Museum from September 21 to November 30, 2010.

The world has greatly changed since the end of World War II, but friendship between the people of the United States and Taiwan has not only endured, but flourished. This exhibit celebrates our friendship by displaying vintage photographs, recordings, historical documents and other memorabilia that show the role played by U.S. aid in Taiwan's rapid development of its economy, armed forces, and culture, and its public health, health care, and education systems.

We hope this exhibit will bring back memories of the early, close cooperation between our two peoples and reflect our joint aspiration to build a brighter future for America and Taiwan. During the preparatory phase of this exhibit, we have received tremendous support from many organizations. On behalf of AIT, I'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Sun Yat-sen America Center. Without the solid foundation laid by the Center and its continuous support, it would have been impossible for us in such a short period of time to expand the exhibit to cover all of Taiwan. We also appreciate the excellent support provided by the National Central Library, the Academia Historica, and our other partners. Many organizations, institutions, and friends have generously loaned us precious historical documents, photographs, and artifacts. Several American and Taiwan friends, who personally witnessed this period of history, also kindly made time for our interviews.

The success of this exhibition is the fruit of the collaborative efforts of all of these friends of the Taiwan-American relationship who have offered us their assistance along the way. AIT salutes them.

American Institute in Taiwan Director William A. Stanton

source: AIT 美國在台協會

美國人在台特展 見證台美密切關係 (自由時報 20101218)



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最後更新 ( 2010-12-27 )
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