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佛國淨土,瞻洲之巔,自佛法傳入,君民崇敬三寶,尊釋迦文佛教法為利樂寶藏、幸福泉源。直至藏曆土豬年(公元1959 年),兵刀劫起,共產中國侵略圖博,雪域三區緇素起義抗暴,組織四水六崗衛教軍抗敵,護衛嘉華仁波切安抵印度,延續國祚法脈。然而圖博傳統與宗教文化被毀, 逾百萬博巴死於殺戮饑荒。土蛇年(公元1989 年)拉薩戒嚴,抗暴之聲再起;土鼠年(公元2008 年)中國武力鎮壓全境抗議, 至此不分僧俗,焚己身成火炬,烈焰逐霞, 光照金頂,逾百三十人。今在台灣聖山, 養靈於此,修煉元神,剋期成道,乘願靈歸故土,無形應化,精神所至,樹民主法幢,立自由火炬,奠基人權建國。


台灣聖山圖博英雄塔揭塔 追思圖博自焚烈士







As peoples around the world in solidarity with the Tibetan uprising day, a ceremony of "Tibetan Uprising Tower Opening and Martyrs Memorial" to  memorialize those brave souls of Tibetan Self-immolations was held in Caotun, Nantou at the center of Taiwan on March 14, 2015. Also, it is the first tower built in Taiwan to commemorate Tibetan Self-immolations. The activity organizer, Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation, is a civil society with the main goal in advocating a democratic and independent state of Taiwan through a promotion of "the Faith of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn(Taiwanese pronunciation of Taiwan gods)". The tower is seated in the “Taiwan Holy Mountain - Ecological Education Park”, a place to educate and memorialize to those who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Taiwan's democracy, freedom and human rights, and maintained by the organization. Democracy activists, Dawa Tsering chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tetetan in Taiwan and monks were all invited to attend the ceremony.

The Tibetan Uprising Tower is about 5-6 meters high and is placed on a square base of marble symbolizing the great land. The surface of base is engraved with memorial inscription and Tibetan flag. More specially, it is carved in Tibetan alphabet with the martyrs' names of self-immolations since 2008. The main section of tower was made by iron. In fact, it is a artifacts from a ruined temple during the Cultural Revolution in China. And, a small and a large size of stone ball stacked on the top and under the iron body symbolizes the perfection.

In the ceremony, people sang Tibetan National Anthem and Taiwan famous folk song together, there were also three Tibetan gurus prayed sutra in front of the tower. The main organizer, MD. Hsu-tung Yang, chairman of Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation, expressed that Taiwanese and Tibetan are in the same team to fight for democracy and independence and resist China's violence. And Chinese officials recently forced Dalai Lama to reincarnate that is too evil. Mr. Zai-ting Tian, chairman of Formosa TV(the highest-rated TV station in Taiwan), then praised those sacrificed Tibetan are democratic heroes in this global village, so the TV station will report today's ceremony. A 98-year-old Mr. Su Beng, a spiritual leader of Taiwan independence, urged that Taiwanese and Tibetan must keep the faith to fight for independence, and make more effort, not just talking and talking like a club. Dawa Tsering, chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed his gratitude to Taiwanese, with the tower, people will remember those Tibetan's story and suffering. Mei-li Chou, president of the Taiwan Friends of Tibet said she was so touched to come to Taiwan Holy Mountain, and reminded how China broken the so-call "peace aggrement". Rainbow Liao, a Tati volunteer and also a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, said that "Recollecting of Cheng Nan-jung setting himself on fire in insisting on the freedom of speech, and shouts proudly that "I am Taiwanese, I advocate Taiwan independence" and at the same time, we shall not forget in a distant away that a group of people live in a snowland and have the same values as we do in pursing democracy and freedom, and now they are struggling bravely for their religious freedom and Tibet independence."

Taiwan and Tibet both countries face the oppression and infiltration of Chinese Communist regime. The Tibetan Uprising Tower is built for the link between the island and the plateau and for the values shared by the both sides of people. After the completion of tower, we are hoping that it will always remind the people of Taiwan of freedom is precious, and looking forward to the souls of the martyrs in heaven continue to unleash the power since striving for democracy, cherishing human rights and creating own nation state are the common goals and ideals for the peoples of Taiwan and Tibetan, and also hoping His Holiness the Dalai Lama can freely visit Taiwan sooner.








法會之後,聖山志工帶領藏人朋友參觀聖山各個紀念碑,介紹台灣民主演進的血淚史,也期盼西藏(圖博)能早日獲得真正的自由。參訪結束,一行人又要趕回台北參與自由廣場前的【310 夜行一起挺圖博!】抗暴58週年祈福晚會,在台藏人,不放棄各種可能的宣傳管道,就是希望有一天達賴喇嘛能帶領藏人重回西藏,決定自己的命運。



20150314 圖博英雄塔揭塔典禮暨圖博英靈追思會

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