Authoritarian Capitalists – Demons Everywhere
新聞報導 -
作者 楊緒東 英譯:禪定   

Authoritarian Capitalists – Demons Everywhere

So long as no discussions of democracy, human rights, liberty,
Major American multinationals,
Will own total business advantages in China.

Eye-popping joint-ventures were signed.
Chinese Communist’s leadership style of autocrats-cum-enterprise solidified.
Accomplice of anti-liberty, democracy, human rights they become.

Reagan’s time,
Thought that so long as the authoritarian China,
Is waded into by the American business dealings,
McDonald’s alone can arch the entire China to democratize.

Yet now,
American capitalists are in over their heads with “profits.”
To join with the Chinese authoritarians,
Actually becomes a “fatal attraction.”

China accumulates capital.
Military power rises and is rising.
Even more severely assaulting human rights.

The middle class rebelling against despotism,
Were all oppressed into “cheap labor.”
China becomes America’s indispensable “world’s factory.”
In no time, China gets to dance with caprice on the world’s stage.

The path of demons overwhelms the path of the righteous,
The Temple of Democracy the devil devours.

A-Jeou covets to copy all of these,
Obsessed with Taiwan to become a country with a many destitute and a few seriously rich.

China preys Taiwan’s capital.
Middle class gradually disappears.
Taiwanese people are reduced to Taiwanese servants.
The end game unification is over.

A father of two with US passports, A-Jeou,
Cease-fired diplomacy,
Broke down the military,
Sinicized politics and government,
Homogenized academic diplomas.
Taiwan’s capital is marching into the tide of despotism.

If DPP imitates all of these pro-China’s,
Not long in the future,
Taiwan as a country will no longer exist.
What’s the difference between DPP and KMT?

As long as the spoke-wheeled ROC is hung,
Even with presidency, Taiwanese people,
Still cannot forge out of,
KMT’s “singular China;”
Cannot overthrow the Chinese Communists’ control

A-bian with Taiwanese independence in mind,
Had fallen into the ROC trap,
Now suffers all kinds of pains and hardships.
DPP is terrorized into politically cut, cut, cut.
A-bian is betrayed by his own.

Build the Taiwanese country free of the system;
Withdraw from ROC electorate en total;
Establish Taiwanese people’s government;
Defend Taiwanese people’s sovereignty;
Prepare for extended fights against colonial powers;
Are maybe the only ways.

Oh, my God
Taiwanese Spirits bless

Note: The poem is written by Dr. Yang Hsu-Tung on Tuesday June 9, 2009. Dr. Yang is the chairman of Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation and the author of Taiwanese People Worshiping the Taiwanese Divinities, Rejecting to be a Rootless People

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