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幻境國界 Dream's space
煎熬 Under boiling
蛹 Sit for nothing up to death
一體同悲 Share with universe
求存 Survival
初宇幽質 Listening to world's music
陽陰介面 Black and white must be definited
業流滾滾 Criminal fluid
鍛煉成土 Going back to the beginning
菩薩行苦 Penance for all
地藏自焚 Sun's power
承受是福 Burden with pleasure
法眼 God's eye
恐山惑像 Evil's mountain
慾火焚身 Fire of sex impulse
懺心解厄 Repentance for evil's mind
誘因果報 Stick in the karma
孽海沉浮 Hope for savior
應元祭煞 Hypocrisy in religion
一靈常照 Spirit's power
太歲動土 Who are you ?
狂暴之火 Fire for nothing to say
靈山剎現 Hallucination's view
纏鬥 Fight each other for endless
生機 Survivals' will
靈山空相 Fantasy
一劃闢鴻濛 Take apart in body and spirit's side
剎見法華 Flowers grow up in the darkness

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